by Johannes Christiaan Schotel (1787 - 1838)
Datable ca. 1807 - 1838
Oil on canvas
In this Dutch coastal scene, a sloop, a wide-hulled, low-draft boat with two sails, is bringing in the sails. A two-master, a 'snauwschip' lies at anchor in the middle of the composition. A group of figures is placed in the typical dunes of Holland. This beach scene with the port of Vlissingen in the background is seen from the 'Knollendijk'. The Kenau Hasselaar lunette or Fort des Dunes is depicted on the far left. The skyline of Vlissingen with the spires of the Sint Jacobskerk and the Kleine or Middelkerk is located in the centre. The shell-proof barrack or Caserne Cavalier is situated next to the prison tower on the far right.
There is a drawing of quite similar view of Vlissingen in Dordrechts Museum, Netherlands. J.C. Schotel presumably made this drawing on one of his many journeys. In a preliminary drawing in the Amsterdam Museum, Fort Kenau Haselaar is already depicted in the dunes on the left. In both drawings, only a few details are different from the painting, which was consistent with the custom of the day.
Signed lower centre right: J.C. Schotel
Provenance: United Kingdom, private collection
Size: 83.2 x 111.8 cm